About Maria

BSc (Hons) Health Science: Therapeutic Bodywork
Structural Integration
Craniosacral Integration
Manual Lymphatic Massage - Dr Vodder Method Level 1
Matrix Rhythm Therapy
Myofascial Massage
Licensed GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® Instructor
Member of the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI), Independent Professional Therapist International (IPTI) and MLD UK
Philosophy “Working together to create a healing team”
Maria has over 15 years experience as a Therapist in movement and bodywork. She completed her BSc (Hons) Health Science for Therapeutic Bodywork in the year 2000. She learnt from very early on in her studies that massage alone was not enough to restore the bodies natural balance and mobility. Mariaʼs journey of self discovery and healing led her to fully developing her skills as a Holistic Therapist. She gained knowledge and experience working alongside teachers whom were inspirational and kept her in touch with the latest developments in bodywork and movement.
Diverse skills and interests
Her own keen interest in improving health and managing injuries, took her on a quest to do further training. She completed her Structural Integration (SI) course in Europe and New Zealand in 2005. The Structural Integration training empowered her to follow key life pursuits. Subsequently this has led her to experience alternative movement disciplines, including Kick Boxing, Weight Training, Archery, Tai Chi, Yoga, Feldenkrais, Cuban Salsa and Pilates. This has resulted in her considering an exercise discipline that would compliment her style of work as a Structural Integration Practitioner. Spiralling body movements are of particular interest in her understanding of body movement and bio-mechanical health. She has trained in the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® in Europe and US. Consequently, she is a licensed GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Instructor.
Her own journey and approach
In recent years she has acquired injuries that have led her to rethink and consider other treatment methodologies to deal with pain. It has given her an insight into what it really means to suffer and manage pain in ones daily life. Mariaʼs curiosity has led her into a journey of self-empowerment, through self-awareness and commitment in her work with clients. She encourages clients to improve their sense of well being, by deepening their understanding of their physical self. Maria has a hands on approach and acknowledges that each person is unique.
Client focus
All Client sessions are tailored to the individuals requirements, incorporating a wide range of techniques that are geared towards maximum results. Her adaptability and flexibility inspires Clients to work at a suitable pace that they can sustain, facilitating an internal organisation of the whole body. She has an interest in rehabilitation through focused attention and regular practice. Her sessions are accessible to all age groups, physical mobility and abilities. She works with a range of Clients from non-movers, celebrities and business executives, through to world class athletes.